Well, we procrastinated this year as all good people do, we finally went to the pumpkin patch tonight to get our pumpkins for the trick or treaters to smash into bits tomorrow. I think I'm going to do my traditional barfing pumpkin. I always have grand schemes for like the best carved pumpkin ever, but I always get mad and end up carving 2 eyes, a huge hole for the mouth and pull all the goop and seeds coming out through it. I LOVE IT! Always a winner.
So this afternoon my mother-in-law and I went to the pumpkin patch to stake out the good pumpkins before we went tonight with our hubbies and to take some pix of Bella. It was kind of cold and she was a little more interested in all the other kids and the train and "old faithful" erupting every 15 minutes than the pumpkins. Despite that, we got some really cute pix....check them out.........
Yes, I did make my daughter lay on a pile of baby pumpkins. But I made sure all the stems were facing down so it wasnt so bad. She didnt seem to mind. I was a little more worried about her falling off the large pumpkin I made her ride like a pony! lol She is great. So we went back to the pumpkin patch at like 8 o'clock after Dan got home from work and were taking pix on a bail of hay when all of a sudden....
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Posted by
Emily Rocks
10:22 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Go Red Sox! Go Red Sox! Go! Go! Go Red Sox!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
2:02 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
CONTROL Z DOESNT WORK ON HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLAST IT ALL!!!! I was nearly done with my post when my little whiz kid DELETED EVERYTHING. i swear she knows all the shortcuts she touches like one button and all the settings on the computer are completely changed. what is there a computer class in the pre-existence? there must be. well i'm going to have to work on this later. time to put my little nocturnal baby to bed. FOR-E-VER!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
12:33 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Boston Red Sox
So in honor of the Boston Red Sox I decided to change my blog until they win the world series this year. Then I thought who am I kidding, that will never happen! :) They are a great team and I must confess I totally jumped on the band wagon the year they "reversed the curse" what a great season! Kiss it yankees! :) If you havent seen the movie Fever Pitch, I highly recommend it. It's pretty funny and all about a major Red Sox fan. Anyway GOOD LUCK TOMORROW GUYS!!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
5:03 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Iron Chef America
For those of you who have always wondered about Iron Chef America I researched the behind the scenes info tonight while....whilst?....whilst we were watching tonights show. Every time we watch, dan asks, "How the heck do they always know EXACTLY what to make and how do they have the perfect ingredients?" well duh they let them know ahead of time but heres how it works.....
In each episode, chefs have one hour to cook and improvise a multicourse meal around a theme ingredient that must be present in each dish. Before the actual taping, the chefs are given a short list of possible themes, allowing the producers of the show to get any ingredients that may be needed. Judges' primary goal was said to be determining which chef was able to "best express the unique qualities of the theme ingredient." In rare cases, the format changes.
Now you know the secret! for more info check out...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Chef
Posted by
Emily Rocks
9:23 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
under construction
So i decided that i need to jazz up my blog, it was pretty boring! i've been looking for cool backgrounds and graphics but i cant find anything i like, and then when i do find something i think i want i get bogged down with pop ups and redirected to something totally unrelated to what i'm looking for. HELP!!! any advice will be much appreciated. oh yeah and i've decided to allow anyone to see the blog. hooray!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
5:19 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Zack Alger!
Ok so my aunt bonnie sent me these videos (ABOVE) of my cousin's football games. he is pretty awesome. the announcer made a mistake, it wasn't actually an interception that he made...it was a blocked field goal...then he ran 88 yards with the ball and made a touchdown! GO # 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
10:59 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007
DAN ROCKS!!!!!!!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
3:32 PM
So random

Posted by
Emily Rocks
2:02 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
ok so i took this video on my phone and its not very good, but the star sure shines bright! GO BABY GO!!!!
Bella just started crawling last week, she started scooting just before the move and right before her 7 month birthday on the 4th of October....SHE DID IT!!! she's awesome, she is pulling herself up on everything and prefers to be standing whenever possible. she enjoys playing with phones and remotes, loves music and tries to sing along, she is loving eating solid foods and is getting really good at eating with a spoon. she HATES avocado. we tried giving her some when we went out to eat and it didnt go over very well, it kept coming back to haunt her for like 5 minutes. i know it's mean but i'm going to try giving it to her again when we have a video camera at the ready. She has 4 teeth now, the top 2 are about a third of the way down and she has 4 more buds that we can see on the top row so they should be poking through soon.
Posted by
Emily Rocks
2:52 PM