My little brother Garrett, after months and months of waiting has finally gotten his mission call! He is going to serve in the Tulsa, Oklahoma mission....WAHOO! :)
Yesterday he called us and told us it had arrived...he is living with my aunt and uncle in Sacramento right now so after work we (dan, bella, myself and some of our friends) piled into the car and drove out there. It was SO much fun! :)
Poor garrett was on pins and needles the whole time. Yesterday afternoon he was starting to open it cuz he couldnt stand it anymore. He threw it across the room and ran out of the house and had my uncle go inside and hide it from him so he wouldnt open it. LOL poor kid. I think he was a little disappointed when he opened it, but Garrett, dont worry, that is where you are suppose to go! He is serving in 4 states, so that is WAY awesome. Plus, hello! it will be way easier to send packages and letters to you. :)
Love your guts gar!
Picture courtesy of Justin and Jill....thanks! :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Posted by
Emily Rocks
12:15 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
YAY! She is as cute as a button! Its just hitting me right now that my little brother is a father. How wierd! He and Jill are going to be GREAT parents. Here are a few pix...
Posted by
Emily Rocks
1:55 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Where do i even start?
I've been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO busy lately i just have no idea where to begin.... how about a time line of crazy events? Yes?
Justin and Jill come to visit...our camera "breaks" in San Fransisco
"Fam reunion" (my dad got re-married) bad move retard!
Lots and lots and lots and lots of planning for the super activity
Super activity postponed until after the election
1 week later, its back on and we did "craft nights" in 2 segments
Brother moves to cali
Mom starts "dating"
bella gets new back yard toys!
Friends find out about adoption
prop 8 campaigning, prop 8 campaigning, prop 8 campaigning
Shopping at the outlets and almost broke bellas leg
Bella starts talking more
Time to vote! YAY!
Former roomie goes into labor....2 more friends/fam members about to pop any day as well
Dan fixes the camera...the light meter was jacked up on the manual setting...thats what i get for putting it in my purse without a case!
Today: working in the office and still sick...2 weeks and going strong! Cant wait to go home
Obviously i have a lot to catch up on! Sorry if i'm kind of negative, it's the end of the day and i'm wasted!
peace out
Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:24 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Super Saturday

Some people even commented that my crafts werent super enough...well guess what? dont sign up! Plus i figured with the economy totally sucking right now people might appreciate easier cheaper things to create. Ok so be honest and tell me if they suck because i really want to know.
If you could give me ideas of what you've seen or what you've done at your activites or on your own, i'd really appreciate it for future activities. Muchos Gracias!
These are really popular in the scrapbooking world right now.
You can use them for gift boxes, for treats or trick-or-treat buckets...really versitle and fun!

This could not be more easy. Its a 14 month calendar, all you have to do is select the layouts you want.
I am pre-making kits for everyone so all they have to do is bring pictures and adhesive and go to town!
All we are doing the day of the activity is the front pannel...straight stitching only so it will be pretty easy!

Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:44 PM
I never thought this could happen to me. Yah right! That is ridiculous to think something like that in times such as these. I called our landlord to inform her of general maintenance that needed to be done on the house...oh yeah and that the heater was blowing out cold air. lol minor problem...I also wanted to talk to her about extending our lease that is ending mid December....
She responded saying: Oh! I've been meaning to talk to you about that! and proceeded to give me this ginormous sob story about their financial situation and that her husband has been out of work and bla bla bla....not my problem. Bottom line is: they might be losing the house we are in. They are 1 month behind on their mortgage and will soon be in the beginning of the foreclosure process.
Awesome huh? I'm so glad we found out now instead of when the sherrif came a knockin on our door! :) So we have 6 weeks to pack up and go. I'm pretty stoked because that is the longest amount of time we have ever had to get ready for a move, so as of this week i have already contacted 2 realtors, viewed several properties and have started to de-craptify my house.
OOOOOOOOO Yeah! Ahead of the game! Hopefully we'll be able to find something that we can get into...i'd like to have a yard, bella's favorite thing to do is run around like a crazy head so that would really help me out! :)
We have been checking craigs list, 6 weeks from our moving date gives us time, but not really the option as things are going fast in this market. It seems like every day we hear about someone new losing their home. Any advice would be spectacular! :)
Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:12 PM
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So Happy Together
Hooray for Jim and Pam FINALLY getting engaged! We were all so elated watching the office last week. We were literally on pins and needles the entire time wondering what was going to happen. Despite the crazy long and kind of montage-y episode i thought the proposal was well executed! :) So romantic! :) Not necessarily the location, but the fact that he couldnt wait a second longer to propose to her. GO JIM! WOO WOO!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
6:31 PM
The Tale of the Inefficient Pediatrician
Everyone I spoke with regarding a pediatrician when we first moved to Concord recommended the same guy, who will remain nameless. Lets just call him Dr. X. Dr. X has been upgrading his system and carries a laptop with him instead of paperwork room to room. I get not wanting to have files everywhere but really all this guy does is stare at the computer and has no interaction with us whatsoever. Meanwhile Bella gets fussy and starts playing with the otoscope or spygmomonometer or whatever she can get her hands on. Kind of crazy. So I'll be talking to him about her symptoms or whatever I'm there to talk with him about and Dr. X keeps shushing me because he hasn't gotten to the link he is looking for or he will enter something in the computer and it wont have the exact phrasing or symptom so he contradicts me. Oh and by the has been nearly a year and they STILL don't have her medical records from her former doctor.
My latest qualm with this mo-fo occurred last Friday. I took Bella in because she started to get some kind of a rash. She had small red bumps form on her arms and chest and shoulders on Thursday afternoon but it looked like she was having an allergic reaction to something and didn't have any other symptoms so I dismissed it. 24 hours later the spots were absolutely everywhere and starting to surface. My first thought was that it was chicken pox, she hasn't been immunized and is constantly around little kids. So to prevent panic among the masses I took her in.
Dr. X was SO blahs e about the entire situation. He walked in and set up his precious little computer and without making eye contact started asking questions and inputing info. DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT HER OR TAKE HER VITAL SIGNS----NOTHING!!! He glanced at her from across the room and I had to basically thrust Bella in his direction before he would look at her. I was totally appalled! He diagnosed her with: Non-Specific Viral Exantham; which basically means she has a virus and rash and has no idea what it is or how she got it. (more specific "exanthams" are chicken pox or measles) Shouldn't he have done some tests? Am I just not being pushy enough? Do doctors just do that when their office is full of a million screaming children?
My experiences in the past have been so different, they at least show some interest in my child. Is it the type of insurance we have? Anyway I asked him if it was contagious and if I should warn the mothers of all Bella's friends and he was like..."what are you going to say? To watch out for a rash? Don't even bother!" Personally I would be SO PISSED if someone exposed Bella to something ESPECIALLY without a warning.
It seems that you don't need any kind of a degree or interpersonal skills to be a doctor now. Maybe I should try that! At $180.00 for a check up, it doesn't sound half bad! Needless to say, I am shopping for a new pediatrician. Bye-Bye Dr. X!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:47 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008
Brace your Face!
Today is our last day working with daddy and she hasn't really been a happy camper. She is still dealing with being sick and cant go play next door in the day care so she is couped up in here. Dan put her on a chair next to mine at the desk. She was standing up and leaning against the back of the chair, which toppled over and she hit face first on the arm of my chair! Her mouth of course hit the edge so the inside of her mouth is all bloody as it was impaled by her daggers for teeth.
Right now she has calmed down and is laying on my lap, she looks like she has just gotten braces! Poor thing! Her mouth is really swollen and red and blood oozes out now and then....I hope she heals fast! She isn't too happy about this!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
9:18 AM
Bella Monster Now Comes With a Leash

She has a few style options....
I know what you're thinking...there is NO WAY any child will actually wear that thing! I'm sure it's going to be a crazy battle, but at least I'll have peace of mind when we are out and about. I t sounds incredibly cruel, but I think its very necessary when you have a toddler who without a second thought will run from you at light speed. I've found a not so horrible looking harness at this is the best store ever! Albeit a little on the pricey side for some things, but quite handy things that relieve stress for busy moms.
Sunday's Report:
Bella Monster woke up from her nap with a 100.6 fever, not very high, but still a little fever and had a runny nose so we called everyone in nursery and are crossing our fingers that they dont get sick. For petes sake!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
8:45 AM
Friday, August 22, 2008
Attack of the Insomniac
For the past weekish I havent been able to sleep. Its super crazy, I'm up later and later every night. Last night...almost 4am and then I had to get up and to to work (@ Dan's office) at 7. NO FUN! The sucky thing is there is absolutely no reason for it, its not like I've got a project to work on or take care of a baby or something, I'm just WIDE awake! UGH!
So Meet the Robinsons, is one of my new favorite movies, meet the fam...
Its a totally cute movie and makes me cry every time. I'm totally reduced to watching kid movies all the time, which isnt a problem, bella is happy! But really? Over and over and over again...kinda makes me want to swallow my own head. I think the only musical I've seen in forever is Backyardigans. Thats right folks, your back yard friends!Usually when i'm majorly sleep deprived I'm like Dr. Krunklehorn, one of my favorite characters in Meet the Robinsons. She is an inventor from Inventco Labs and one of the judges at Lewis’ school science fair. Her latest invention is the caffeine patch, which is like drinking twelve cups of coffee at once. She hasn’t slept 8 in days.
So here is Lucille Krunklehorn at her best!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
5:08 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
FHE Group
We started a Family Home Evening group for the young couples in our ward either without children, with babies, or with toddlers in nursery. We figured that if fhe empty nesters can have an FHE group we could too and we rock it so much more than they ever will! :) Besides, it is much more fun to have an intelligent conversation with a big group of people instead of trying to ask our toddler to share her thoughts on the book of mormon. lol.
For the past few months it has been basically 3 other couples & our family but tonight we have approximately 20 people coming PLUS their kids....I dont know how we are going to fit everyone in our house but hopefully it all works out! Our friends are usually over until midnight, so hopefully we can get everyone else to think that FHE is over an hour or so later & then get the after party started with our friends!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:34 PM
Enrichment Activities
So I was called as the Enrichment Leader in our ward a few months ago & its been pretty fun...well it's been summer so we havent done much! lol but they split the calling so that there are 2 co-chairs now so the other lady is in charge of the quarterly activities and I'm in charge of the monthly activities...SO FUN! :) So I've been trying to come up with a lot of fun good activities that will get people involved...What are you guys doing in your wards?
So far we have:
2 Book Clubs
2 Quilting Clubs
Maybe a Bowling Team
Maybe a Volleyball Team
Mothers Group
Park Day
Walking Groups
Humanitarian Aid
GNO (Girls Night Out)
and basic crap
I just think it's not very fun ya know, i think we can jazz it up and make it awesome and appealing to everyone...i'm all for the group thing, but i'm just bored with what we have going on. PLEASE HELP! What would get you to go to a R.S. activity?
Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:34 PM
Little Swimmer
Bella & I have gone swimming so much this summer, at least a couple times a week until recently when it was way to chilly to take a dip! We started out with just a normal swimsuit for her which of course didn't really work out since she is such a live wire but was a little bit affraid of the water and clung to us like crazy.

Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:34 PM
So a few months ago Justin & Jill (my bro & sis in law) announced that they are having a baby! Hooray! I cant wait to be an aunt! Your kid is going to be so spoiled Justin! I cant wait! The only sucky thing is that they are all the way in Idaho...that's a way long way!

She is super cute already! OK, she kinda freaks me out with the "laser beams" coming out of her eye balls! But guess what justin? I think she has your lips!!!! :) $5 says she is a toe head!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:31 PM
Ok so I have gotten really used to our home computers being busted. They have been down since April. Thats right! April. Almost 4 months so I'm sorry for the slacker blog, i totally have to get used to doing this again. We got a new computer but there is something going on with it, my last computer was totally invaded by worms and viruses and absolutely everything was corrupt so our friend is going to set up a restart point for our new computer in case it happens again. Hooray! Hopefully I'll get back into this soon. Sorry for being a slacker!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
4:24 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
So Bella is talking up a storm now. Its incredible how much she picks up on, we are really having to watch what we say...ACHOO-KIRSTEN! :) We have been wanting to teach her Spanish and Italian but it is too confusing so we have been sticking with English and sign language which she is picking up on way fast!
Amidst the endless array of baby babel, her is what we have deciphered thus far:
Her words so far are:
Dad / Dada
Mom / Mama...we are working on Mommy
Hewo = Hello
GO GO GO!!!!
Bye / Bye-Bye
E Ya = See Ya
Peese = Please
Ha = Hot
Codie Codie = Cold
Wa = Warm
Wa = Water
Ippy = Sippy
Q = Thank you
Dal = Uncle Dallan
Ti K = Auntie Kirsten (who teaches her bad're on my list)
Cat and she meows
Dog/God...She might be a little dyslexic? She woofs also
Yuv You = Love you
ish = fish
Ree-Ree = Pretty
Yuk & she either makes a guttural sound in her throat or blows raspberries in the air
Ew & She pinches her nose
Adder = Heavenly Father, when we pray
Yeah = Amen
Boop = Poop
Nose & points to it
Eyes, " "
Ears, " "
mouth, she doesn't say it, she just points
Button = Belly button...this is her biggest fetish, she is always playing with her belly button, especially when she is tired or drinking her bottle...when i check on her at night she is asleep with her finger in her button, it cracks me up!
Today she was like MOM! MOM! All Done Mom! :) love it!
Daddy's Fav: Nuggle = Snuggle
My new fav: UH-OH! Which she always says in her loudest voice.
Her favorite phrase that one day came out of no where is:
Why'd you do that??!!
Her signs are:
I = I love you
folds her arms for prayer
High fives & says, Yeah!
and she blows kisses & says MWAH!
Its great that she is talking more, its not all the time, she is totally random, but what comes out is like perfect timing and pure comedy. She thinks she is really funny & totally fake laughs any time someone else is laughing. TOTAL HAM!
Posted by
Emily Rocks
9:31 AM
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Posted by
Emily Rocks
9:02 AM
Friday, August 15, 2008
Humpty Dumpty
Posted by
Emily Rocks
5:52 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
4th of July 2008
It's so hard owning your own business, you never get time off! (and health benefits aren't included...we're shopping right now...any suggestions?) Anyway so this year we went down to Monterrey Bay, we were so missing the beach. We drove down Friday and cruised around the area for a while and did the 17 mile drive which I have never done before, it was so awesome! We got out a few times and checked out some of the lookout points and tide pools....Bella totally loved the time we got to Carmel (at the end of the drive) we were so tired! We went back to the hotel and got settled and then decided to go watch the fireworks on the we got some dinner and had a little picnic, it was great!
We were up on some cliffs overlooking the water and watching the sunset when everyone started running to the edge of the cliffs....some guys pulled a scuba diver out of the water...he was totally unconscious so the guys started taking his gear off and doing CPR, he looked like he was going to be OK...everyone around us was on their cell phone so a few minutes later we were surrounded by cops and paramedics...great way to start the night! lol So we watched the fireworks and totally froze on the beach and then took off about 10 minutes before the show ended so we didn't get stuck in traffic. score.
This room was awesome, there were tons of sharks, the wierdo fish that you'll see below a bunch of monster sized tuna that were totally eyeing was really awesome. the tank was huge and the glass was wall to wall and floor to cieling. i got a really cute pix of bella leaning up against it and staring at the fish.

Posted by
Emily Rocks
3:15 PM