Oh happy day! Our friends Dallan and Kirsten are as I am typing this on their way to Ghana, Africa to pick up their baby girl! Last October they started the adoption process and through a series of miraculous events a baby was chosen for them. November 9th their baby, Esi Sophia (Esi means Sunday born) was delivered to Linda (the birth mother). They have decided to call her Grace Sophia Livingston. She is absolutely beautiful...

This is my favorite picture. She is just adorable! I know it sounds crazy, but I think she looks like Kirsten:
You can see how much she is loved which for me would be huge! It would lighten my load so much while I'm a world away! The man in the picture is Percy, he is a social worker in Africa and handles things on that end. I think he looks like Bernie Mac!
I am so SO excited for them. This is their first of 2 trips to Africa, they will come back in 10 days and in 3-4 weeks when Grace's visa, etc is approved then they can go back and pick her up. I can't imagine how hard that will be for them but if anyone can do it, they sure can!

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